
【Touhou Lyrics】 Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim

【Touhou Lyrics】 Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim SUPPORT TOUHOU LYRICS ON PATREON!

A duet for the immortal rivals, Fujiwara no Mokou and Kaguya Houraisan. ...My true princess, Lori, steps in this time as the voice of Kaguya ( ). It's been exactly three years since their individual themes were uploaded, which were already meant to convey them thinking about each other. Now it's made official as a duet. Their story is one of the most fascinating in all of Touhou to interpret. They're destined to spend an unfathomable amount of time together, and the nature of their relationship is bound to change many times.

Touhou Project 08, Imperishable Night
Mokou & Kaguya: "Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim"
Original music by ZUN.
English lyrics and fandub vocals by me and Lori.
Art from the official art book, The Grimoire of Marisa.


Ashes unto ashes, everything to nothing.
The moon above is shining, yet someday too will disappear.
Once the world is over, what shall I have to entertain me?
In this game of life, it’s every day a challenge:
To find a hidden treasure, which may be or may not be here.
Let us pass the time, perhaps with a song… rhythm unchanging.

Ashes unto ashes, everything to ruin.
The ones who would protect me, I can’t protect them in return.
Once the world is over, then will I have nothing to pain me?
In this cage of life, it’s every day a challenge:
To see the world before me, to sit around and watch it burn.
Everything is changing, all but the curse… ever unchanging.

Willfully I’m blinded to these choices in front of me,
Falling through this wasteful eternity.
What is there I can say with certainty?
I have you, my one way of breaking free.

May these feelings last me eternally.
Flames of passion – my greatest luxury.
Cycle with my body through history;
Share this burden of immortality.

Ashes unto ashes, everything forgotten:
My past and my desires, my place among the humankind.
Shouting from my lungs for no one to hear, I play a victim.
Empty your frustrations, pour them all upon me:
I am an endless vessel, the only one you’ll ever find.
Though it may be far too slow to perceive… we are still changing.

Tell me that you see me, show me that you want me.
Don’t merely say you need me, for that much I already know.
Prove to me you are a victor indeed, and not a victim.
Hiding like a coward, reaching from a distance:
If you want me to face you, I guess I’ll have to make it so.
Finally it’s something I can control… and it’s life-changing.

Hanging by a thread onto that future in front of me,
Drifting through this graceful eternity.
I don’t need inevitability.
Fuel me with your infinite energy.

I’ve had years to learn what it means to me.
It’s too much and never enough for me.
Truly, time is my only enemy.
Make me feel like my only enemy is you.

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