
Top Democrat’s Wife In Deep Trouble – She Funneled Piles of Charity Cash Into Her Own Comp

Top Democrat’s Wife In Deep Trouble – She Funneled Piles of Charity Cash Into Her Own Comp Please Help Me To 1,000,000 Sub :
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Top Democrat’s Wife In Deep Trouble – She Funneled Piles of Charity Cash Into Her Own Company According To New Evidence

It’s all out there – she can’t hide it now…

Once again, we find a Democrat whose neck-deep in corruption. This case, though, is really something.
This is what happens when no one watches the people in charge—but in the age of Trump, no one gets away with it.
Now one top Democrat leader in the House is in BIG, six-figure trouble.
From Daily Caller:
The wife of House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings used her charity to funnel hundreds of thousands of dollars into her private LLC, according to new documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Uh-oh! This is one of those scandals that could take down an entire family! House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings’ wife was taking money from her charity and putting it in her own bank account.
Maya took over $250,000 dollars from the Center for Global Policy Solutions and put it into her private LLC.
That was money donated from citizens thinking they were helping a worthy cause. What was the real cause? Helping Ms. Maya pad her bank account!
I guess the solution she was looking for was: “how do I make money off charitable givers?”
This case is getting pretty serious. In fact, even Donald Jr. is weighing in.
From Twitter:
I wonder why he isn’t investigating this???
I’ll tell you why he isn’t investigating this – because the Democrat who is supposed to oversee the House has ZERO integrity.
Why do Democrats think there is one set of rules for them—and another for the rest of us? If a private citizen did this, or worse a Republican, these Democrats would devour them.
But when it happens on the Left, they are happy to just sweep it under the rug.
I guess she thought she could get away with it because Hillary got away with even more!
COMMENT to tell Trump he needs to investigate Cummings immediately!

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