
Physician Assistant Health Educator: Are You A Softie?😭

Physician Assistant Health Educator: Are You A Softie?😭 Peace be to you all (AsSalama'laikum)! I have been a medically licensed Physician Assistant for almost two decades and currently work as a Hospitalist PA in Washington, D.C. where I live with my wife and four children. I am also an erstwhile PA program faculty instructor, admissions committee member, ARC-PA greeting committee member, DCAAPA President (2004), SAAPA, and AAPA member. I've been around for a while!πŸ˜…πŸ‘΄πŸΎπŸ‘¨πŸΎ‍⚕️I wanted to ask myself and you all to TRULY look at your MO in life and ask yourself, "Am I a 'softie'"?πŸ€”That is, "Have I TRULY pushed through mental, spiritual and physical barriers placed before me or, BY me, to accomplish my goals?" As I look back on life, my regrets are that I didn't give that HONEST 100% effort needed to attain certain goals. That's an uncomfortable question to ask yourself. It means you have to accept FULL accountability for your actions or inactions and where you may presently be in life. I pose this question to our youth in particular (πŸ˜‰you under 25 folks). This may very well establish you precedence in life. BE TOUGH ON YOURSELF (without downing yourself though). I wish you all the VERY best of succes in your positive endeavors and invite you all to subscribe to my channel if you have an interest in medicine, careers in allied health or living a positive lifestyle. You can reach me on Instagram o_Abdulmalik, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Peace!


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