Only one Pokémon of each type can be caught in the Nuzlocke variant. For full rules for the Omega Ruby Typelocke - check the rules section further down!
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-All Pokémon must be nicknamed
-I can only catch one Pokémon from each of the 17 available types.
-I must catch the first Pokémon I encounter on each route, provided it's type is in the list of available types. If it isn't, I must keep looking until I find one that is eligible for capture.
-Each time I catch a Pokémon, its type is removed from the list of avaiable types.
-In the event of a dual-type Pokémon, I must decided BEFORE catching it, which type it will represent.
-Failure to catch a Pokémon results in forfeiting that type, and also means I cannot catch a Pokémon on the same route.
-If a Pokémon faints, I cannot use it anymore and must put it in the PC forever.
Starter - Lillipup - Normal type is removed from eligible types.
1st encounter - Starly - Normal/Flying, but since we already used Normal, Starly MUST be our Flying type. Flying type is removed from eligible types.
2nd encouter - Squirtle - Failed catch. Water type is removed from eligible types. Cannot catch a Pokémon on this route.
3rd encounter - Slowpoke - Water/Psychic, but since we already used Water, Slowpoke MUST be our Psychic type. Psychic type is removed from eligible types.
4th encounter - Starmie - Water/Psychic, but since we alreadt used Water and Psychic, Starmie cannot be caught, so we must look for another Pokémon on this route.
5th encounter - Deerling - Grass/Normal, but since we already used Normal, Deerling MUST be our Grass type. Grass type is removed from eligible types.
And so on....
➤Intro Animation:
➤Outro music: