
Brain Hemisphere Synchronization - Whole Brain Synchronization - Enhance Cognition - Meditation

Brain Hemisphere Synchronization - Whole Brain Synchronization - Enhance Cognition - Meditation New version:

Brain hemisphere synchronization may result in increased cognitive performance.

There are many potential benefits, but the primary intentions for this video is to:

- Build new neural pathways and strengthen existing ones

- Stimulate, synchronize and synergize both brain hemispheres for increased cognitive capabilities and capacity

- Aid in the development of concentration, learning, and memory

- Balance moods by reducing stress hormones and increasing production of "feel-good" neurotransmitters and hormones

The cerebral hemispheres are divided into a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere. These hemispheres communicate with each other through a thick band of 200-250 million nerve fibers called the corpus callosum. Each hemisphere of the brain is dominant for other behaviors. Most people use one hemisphere more than the other, creating an imbalance.

During meditation, the corpus callosum becomes deeply stimulated. New foundations of neural pathways are built which allows both hemispheres to communicate in sync and to a higher degree.

The right side of the brain controls muscles on the left side of the body and the left side of the brain controls muscles on the right side of the body. Also, in general, sensory information from the left side of the body crosses over to the right side of the brain and information from the right side of the body crosses over to the left side of the brain.

The brain consists of three main parts: the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem.

The cerebrum: composes most of the brain, in simplified terms it is involved in thinking, problem solving, memory, feeling and movement.

The cerebellum: located at the back of the brain, under the cerebrum. In simplified terms, it controls coordination and balance.

The brain stem: sits below the cerebrum and in front of the cerebellum. In simplified terms, it connects the brain to the spinal cord and controls automatic functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and digestion.

The brain is separated into four lobes: the frontal, temporal, occipital, and parietal lobes.

The frontal lobe: involved in problem solving, discernment, memory, language, personality, empathy, concentration, motor function, social and carnal behavior.

The temporal lobe: involved in creative insight, memory acquisition and skills, organization of sensory input such as auditory, visual perception, language comprehension, verbal organization, long-term memory, and personality.

The occipital lobe: the center of our visual perception system. It is involved in visuospatial processing, hallucinations, illusions, discrimination of movement and color.

The parietal lobe: One region involves sensation and perception. The other region involves integrating sensory input. It is involved in writing, mathematics, language, visual perception, spacial navigation, memory, personality.

The right hemisphere is considered the feminine or chaotic side of the brain and is generally responsible for: creativity, intuition, visualization, musical abilities, spacial abilities, non-linear thought, facial recognition and is dominant in the control of emotional processing and expression.

The left hemisphere is considered the masculine or orderly side of the brain and is generally responsible for: organization, logic, analytical, scientific, calculatory, linguistic, and mathematical thought, in addition to practical, linear, and time-oriented thinking strategies.

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