1. Smarter people
Kink is for people who like to think about sex and explore the deeper themes and patterns that arise within them. You would be amazed at how many thoughtful people are part of the community. If you want a smart person, it is a great pool to search in. Forget tinder. (lol I met my bf on tinder tho).
2. Highly advanced understanding of consent and communication for optimal outcomes.
Would solve a lot of issues and end many unwanted sexual experiences if vanilla people adopted their ways.
3. People with inspiring self knowledge of who they authentically are
They've got themselves understood to a T. More than most vanilla people can say who never seem to know what they're into and what will get them the results they crave in the bedroom
4. It is a sex positive paradise where "sluts" or female sexuality is celebrated and encouraged
Compare that to the horrible state of affairs in most of the world where women are non consensually controlled and harmed for embracing a basic natural impulse.
5. People are brave
Brave enough to own the darkest and most shamed parts of themselves. Takes guts.
6. People are not as concerned as much with looks and see the beauty of a deeper mental and energetic connection even if looks are conventionally substandard. There is a lot of size acceptance and people able to look beyond the surface.
7. Far more diversity of different kinds of people and different kinds of interests
Makes the world a more interesting place. truly.
8. Guys are shockingly respectful for the most part
9. Fascinating philosophies about relationship style
10. People are actually living out their dreams and fantasies.
fuck yea.