Be wary of putting any trust in E Michael Jones. He appears to be the Jordan Peterson for JQ-aware, white, Christian people. His game is to dazzle people with his seeming knowledge and manipulate them away from any sense of European/white identity to prevent them from seeking justice for mass invasion (#WhiteGenocide) and all the other warfare being waged against whites on the basis of race.
The very warfare being waged is on the basis of race and Jones seeks to deprive whites/European of that identifying term which will deny them of a basis of coming together. Jordan Peterson DOES THE SAME EXACT THING.
In this video Jones argues against the 2nd amendment saying its really just a government trick so the government can kill its citizens. That's idiocy folks.
No one that claims to be intelligent or rational could possibly make such a conclusion.
E Michael Jones,2nd Amendment,2A,NRA,Liberty,Guns,Gun Control,LogosRising,Fed,Disinfo Agent,Gatekeeper,Alex Jones,